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Just passed my first SQF audit with my new company (no real questions)

Started by , Apr 15 2019 03:02 PM
14 Replies

As always, I'd like to thank the IFSQN for hosting these forums and the great info contained within.


I've passed SQF audits before but this was my first in this industry (we're a sugar refinery), and we have a 2 site campus which means double the inspection space.  Also, the program was a real mess and not FSMA compliant.  I had 8 months to get it all together, while learning the actual process of making sugar, customer complaints, etc.


That being said, I'm pleased with my 92 score.  I've got better in the past but I think this is a good starting point and I'm pleased.


Thanks again ya'll,



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1 Thank

Congrats  :thumbup: , Good work.


Vacation time??

1 Thank

Congratulations! Feels really good when you accomplish something so big in such a little a lot of time and many messes! 

1 Thank

Congratulations!!! for sure a proud moment of every QA person.

1 Thank

Great job!!! Now go have a cocktail and enjoy you're well earned 92!

1 Thank

Congrats! I know the feel too well. I too recently passed my first audit in the industry in a manufacturing setting (Formerly a chef, now SQF). It's like a weight lifts off your chest when you get that score (got a 95). We just completed sending in the non-conformance information and just waiting on the certificate. Glad its over with. 

1 Thank

There is no better feeling than sitting in the closing meeting of an audit that went well. It's always nice to know all the hard work you put into food safety is not going unnoticed!

1 Thank

Congrats jcieslowski!!  :gleam:

1 Thank

Vacation?  What's that?  There's always some fire to be put out.


I've done better before but it's still a nerve wracking leading up to the audit.  The company basically hired me specifically to pass SQF (though I do a lot more) and I know some people were questioning whether or not they were going to see a return on their investment. (they were freaking out leading up to the audit because I was not stressed [that they saw!].  My predecessor was described as a raving maniac who worked 70+ hours a week in the month leading up to the audit, ranting at employees and other managers.  Not my style.  I think I understand the system better than he did and know how to structure it.  From their perspective I was cool as a cucumber, which worried them.  So anyway, I just needed to deliver to kind of win over some of the management team and demonstrate my proficiency.  Which I did.  So I'm glad.  


I went out after work and had a nice icy beer at my local watering hole.  I don't know what a 92 is?  Can anyone explain?


Thanks for the support everyone,



Well done John. :clap:




1 Thank

Congratulations - job well done.

Celebrate your success!! 

1 Thank

Well done John :happydance:


Post-audit beers always taste the best  :beer:

1 Thank



A 92 score means you only have an 8 point deduction or 8 minor non conformances. A score of 86 - 95 is a GOOD rating. 96 - 100 is an EXCELLENT rating.


We just had our audit last week and received a 96. It was my first solo SQF Audit.

1 Thank


1 Thank

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