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Staying current on nascent FDA regulations

Started by , Apr 10 2019 11:14 PM
4 Replies

Hello all,


How do you stay informed about FDA regulations that are being considered so that you can make comments on them in a timely fashion before they become final?


For example, do you subscribe to an e-mail notification system, either from the agency itself or an industry trade association?  Also, how is that current system working out for you?  What works and doesn't work about what you're doing currently?


Personally I do a little of both mentioned above, but it's too much to follow and I seem to find out about new or emerging regulations either way too early or when it's too late to comment and have a say before the regulation becomes final.


Thank you in advance,


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I think I'll probably just do more of the same of what I've been doing, unless someone has a better idea.

I tend to read industry news daily to see what new regulations are upcoming, and read up on food safety information. foodsafetynews.com is typically good about getting information on upcoming regulations out to the industry. I also visit the FDA website at least weekly to see what changes might be upcoming and what recalls have occurred. I like to check recalls to ensure that is there is a recall for a product similar to what we produce, I can evaluate our system for any risks that could lead to a similar recall. 

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I follow multiple websites through email updates.


https://www.ifsh.iit.edu/fspca - this is another good one to follow. They let you know when FDA updates come out.


efoodalert informs you of all recalls including international.

1 Thank

Thank you Jpainter and KfromIA.  I will try both of those ideas.

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