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Please Check My Packaging Material Risk Assessment

Started by , Mar 22 2019 03:48 AM
11 Replies

Dear Experts,


I just started working on the packaging risk assessment and would like to ensure if my template and my assessment is correct (attached).

Your inputs will be highly appreciated.


Thanks :)

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Nothing attached.

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My apology.


Please see attached template of my topic posted above.



Many thanks :)PM Risk Assessment template.xlsx   10.6KB   339 downloads

I have to correct the identified hazard in the sample assessment--pest: this is not a biological hazard----pest is undesirable foreign material. :-)

Our risk assessments include the scoring matrix. So, if I look at your numbers, is 1 high or low? If you include a tab with your scoring matrix on it or include it under each risk assessment there's no confusion.

Our risk assessments include the scoring matrix. So, if I look at your numbers, is 1 high or low? If you include a tab with your scoring matrix on it or include it under each risk assessment there's no confusion.

Thank you for your comment :-) I will include the scoring matrix to make  it more comprehensive.

For which Standard ?

For which Standard ?


Dear Charles,


I am working on the Packaging risk assessment based on BRC standards. I want to assure that I  am doing the documentations correctly. I believe comments from the experts here would help :-).


Many thanks.

Is it required that you have a written procedure for Hazard and Risk Management?

Is it required that you have a written procedure for Hazard and Risk Management?


There may be a delay. The OP seems to not have been around for a while.

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What standard is this for?

What standard is this for?


This is for BRC 8 Standard. 

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