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Bread aroma additives in commercial baking (UK)?

Started by , Feb 09 2019 03:43 AM
1 Reply



I'd like some help identifying a smell. A slightly unusual request but bear with me!


I'm a caterer based in the UK and would like to start producing a number of speciality "morning goods" (e.g. rolls, baguettes) on a fairly large scale.


I've had experience in commercial baking and am familiar with the usual range of emulsifiers/improvers/additives/etc. which are used, however one thing which eludes me is the commercial "fresh bread" aroma.


Commercial bakeries in the UK such as supermarkets etc. all produce goods with a recognisable and distinct "fresh bread" aroma. This is well beyond the usual aroma produced by baking bread, or from yeast/fermentation/etc. but I have yet to discover what it actually is. All I know is it is absolutely an additive used specifically to add an aroma during and after baking, but I can't find any suppliers.


A friend in a supermarket bakery has informed me the aroma comes from their bagged emulsifier powder - and I can confirm this, having sniffed it - but this arrives pre-mixed and ingredients are not disclosed.


Can anyone educate me on what additives are used specifically to add aroma and/or point me in the direction of a supplier?


Thank you

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Hmmm.... this is an unusual one!!..... I worked for the bakery category in a UK retailer & this wasn't ever discussed as a "thing" so I'd always assumed this was standard Mailard reaction stuff?...


However many bakery additives are produced by CSM - so if you could find a friendly contact on LinkedIn they may be able to advise what they put in their improvers to generate this odour?...

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