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Started by , Feb 05 2019 06:56 AM
1 Reply

Hello to you all, I am Rachel and I currently work for a Fish Wholesaler as a Production Manager, I hold the remit for all audits and acreditations which are currently SALSA and MSC. 

We are a business that is growing year on year which is enabling us to tender for contracts that require BRC audit level audit requirements, so here I am to learn in order to grow our business and be the best at what we do. 

I appreciate reading the forums and the help that this community gives to each other, whilst being able to  continuing my professional development using the Webinars etc.

I look forward to a challenging but fruitful experience with you all.



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Hi Rachel and welcome to the IFSQN.  It's great to hear you are finding the website and webinars useful. 


Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself and for the feedback.





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