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Could someone please share a sample CIP SOP?

Started by , Jan 10 2019 10:34 PM
2 Replies



Could someone please share a sample CIP SOP? I am trying to see an example to see what sort of details need to be added in that SOP.


Thank you,


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Could someone please share a sample CIP SOP? I am trying to see an example to see what sort of details need to be added in that SOP.


Thank you,



Context ??


Regardless see this post/thread -



Hi, Anki.


I'll share to you the overview. However, the SOP may vary depending on you set-up ( if you have bulk system, or movable system, auto dosing coupled with recirculation, if your CIP system have lots of mixproof valves or in case you have manual valves, if you have display showing movements of valves, if you have interlock safety system). Again, the detailed SOP will be depending on the set-up but as for the overview:


Before CIP, bulk unit

1. CIP operator to ensure that the central system have enough volume of the water, alkali and acid (especially if you are doing multi-system CIP).

2. CIP operator to check that the central or bulk system are properly recicrulated in the bulk system to ensure that it reached the target parameter before CIP can be deployed in the line.


For the equipment to be CIP'ed

1. Conduct assembly of the line to be CIP'ed. If using flow plates or hook up plates, ensure that the circuit is properly connected.

2. Close all tanks (vats or bins) that will be CIP'ed. Connect all the pipes that will be CIP'ed.  If there are special instruction regarding pipe assembly, verify that the special instruction is followed.

3. Operator who assembled the line for CIP'ed will then inform CIP operator that the line is ready.

4. CIP operator to double check the line. If safety interlock is not automated and the room where the line that will be CIP'ed is not enclosed, safety barrier will be placed to note that CIP is ongoing.

5. After check CIP will activate CIP

6. During initial stages of CIP (pre-rinse), CIP operator to check if there are heavy leaks in the line. If there is, CIP will be halted and tighten the connection. The CIP operator also check that the valves are pulsing correctly.

6. CIP operator will check the parameters and transition of CIP steps (can be 3-, 5-, or 7- steps depending on your setp).

7. CIP operator to record the CIP paramters (temp, time, flow, concentration).  At the return line, operator may get sample of the CIP to check for concentration (by titration).

8. After CIP completion, the CIP operator will inform the line operator that the CIP is completed. Should there be special instruction after CIP, the line operator will conduct the additional SOP.


IF using bulk system (weekly or monthly especially if you are doing re-use).

1. Check Bicarbonate of the caustic by getting sample in sampling valve of the bulk supply (the intention is to check if how high this is as this may give the lye to be "smooth" and may impact your effectivity. this can also be given high concentration during acid titration of lye).

2. Desludge the bulk unit. This is to remove foaminess of the chemical.

3. Check micro of the reuse prerinse (in case you are using, again this will be depenent on the scenario).


On automated system where trending is capable.

1. CIP operator should have limited access only. Your organization should determine if the CIP operator can be allowed to activate pumps, valves and other automation in case of deviation along the CIP.

2. There should be level of access for those who can change parameters (only authorized one) an who can check records.


This may be for now but again, the SOP will be dependent on your set-up.

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