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Primus Procedure Food Fraud Mitigation sought

Started by , Jan 09 2019 03:28 PM
4 Replies

Hello all,

I am a new safety manager. I have been saddled with the task to prepare all documents for Primus Labs certification for a cooler / frozen storage facility for a place that has been open for almost a year with no one in this dept. I am currently working on the food fraud portion of this and could use any help I can get. I could not find a template, however found many examples. The problem I seem to be having is that our facility is unique in the sense that we have no ingredients or anything else for that matter. We simply receive the product  and ship it. I am hopeful some one can offer some help so I can better understand.

Thank you,

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Very Basic here but........


I have used this for Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Tool.  The auditors seem to be fine with it.




This is a basic procedure I used during the last audit.  The customer was a packaging company that was very low risk so not a lot to mitigate.

(see attachment)


Food Fraud Training.pdf   761.62KB   180 downloads

Peak Food Fraud Controls.pdf   606.79KB   167 downloads

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He utilizado esto para la herramienta de evaluación de vulnerabilidad de fraude alimentario. Los auditores parecen estar bien con eso.


Este es un procedimiento básico que utilicé durante la última auditoría. El cliente era una empresa de envasado que tenía un riesgo muy bajo, por lo que no había mucho que mitigar.
(ver archivo adjunto)



Please use ENGLISH

Very Basic here but........


I have used this for Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessment Tool.  The auditors seem to be fine with it.




This is a basic procedure I used during the last audit.  The customer was a packaging company that was very low risk so not a lot to mitigate.

(see attachment)


Food Fraud Training.pdf

Peak Food Fraud Controls.pdf


Hi Peak,


1st link goes to a log-in page.

This option has been discussed here many times partly due suggested by SQF. Opinions are mixed. It includes a heck of a lot of questions.


1st attachment seems more of a "flyer" ?


Primus probably have specific requirements ?

This is a topic that irks me.  Everyone is screaming about food defense and food fraud, but no one has a complete methodology for all of it. They all use different terminology, focus on different things, no standardization of assessments, etc.  I'm new to my role, (we fresh pack citrus) and haven't had my first audit yet, but this is how I tried to cover myself as the FSMA training (see below) wasn't available then.


1,) Food Defense.  Looked at this in two ways:

A.) Physical defense.  Used the FDA's Food Defense builder (moved it into Excel, so I could remove stuff that didn't apply and better control the final product).  

B.) Did a HACCP style food defense review for each of our process steps.  Same as HACCP just trying to ID possible intentional actions, such as insertion of metal objects, wrong mixture of chemicals, etc.


2.) Food Fraud.  Again two ways.

A.) Completed the free online assessment available through PWC/SSAFE (https://ffv.pwc.com/vsat/#/)

B.) Used a HACCP style document to assess each of identified types of food fraud outlined in GFSI's Technical Guidance, Tackling Food Fraud through Food Modernization Systems, which was published in May 2018..  Located here: https://www.mygfsi.c...ument-final.pdf


Overkill most likely, but given that Primus wants something, I decided to be safe.  ((Supposedly Codex is working on standards which I am sure will become what everyone aligns with, but that's a ways away.))


If you want more on Food Fraud, check out this free MOOC class from Michigan State.  http://foodfraud.msu.edu/mooc/.  Also, note that FSMA is now requiring formal training so that you are qualified to do your assessments: https://www.ifsh.iit...al-adulteration.  (I think it's the FSPCA IA IDENTIFICATION AND EXPLANATION OF MITIGATION STRATEGIES class).  You would need to google that more as I'm waiting till summer to mess with as we're seasonal.


Anyway, hope this helps.




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