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Appeal of NC related to scope of audit

Started by , Jan 06 2019 05:52 PM
6 Replies

Hello all,


I need some advice.  Our facility falls under sector 10 as we make cheese.  This is the 3rd SQF audit of the facility.  


Our facility has a storefront and an area off of our production floor where products including cheeses we make, are sliced and packaged for the store (1lb).  This is my first audit for the facility, and we were asked for the HACCP plan related to the store slicing area.  We do not have one, and this resulted in a major and will result in a surveillance audit.  


After reading past audit results, they stated the store area was outside of the scope of the audit. I also reviewed the document we presented for the scope of the audit. The only items listed were the cheese we produce (these are fully sealed and boxed for distribution).


My hope is to argue the NCR for being outside of the scope of the audit, as that area has been previously excluded, and falls under the SQF code for retail.


Any advice or insights?  


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Did the company initially file an exemption request to the CB and was it excepted?

Verbal won't cut it (no pun intended.)

Why was nothing mentioned on this on the two previous audits and is it the same auditor?
1 Thank

New auditor.  


I don't know about having requested an exclusion, the previous audit in the facility description states that "store front onsite was excluded from the scope of products certified within the operation".

Ok. So, assuming your compamy never exempted the cheese shop in writing and somehow on the last audit your company got lucky there really is no argument here.

What you need to do is step back from the audit and submit a scope exemption request for the store along with a copy of the last audit that showed the auditors statement.

Request a recind on the finding and restoration of the audit grade and score.
1 Thank
And that is based on what happened to one of our cheese making clients that also has a cheese shop too.

Because this is a recertification, and not an initial certification, does that change the status of the area as it was not included in the initial certification?


Also, what are the negative consequences of winning or losing the request to rescind (human response included)? 

"Also, what are the negative consequences of winning or losing the request to rescind (human response included)? "

There are none. And it is not a matter of win or lose, its an exemption thst should have been in place and type of exemption that is always accepted.

And by the way, your cheese shop needs a HACCP plan as an aside.. it will be needed in the future.
1 Thank

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