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What SOP's are required for SQF Module 11?

Started by , Dec 15 2018 06:20 AM
3 Replies
Hi again!!!
Needing help once again
Thank you all for sharing your knowledge...
In the Desk Audit checklist (I got it from the SQF's website) it says that the audit begins with section 11.2.9 (Equipment, Utensils and Protective Clothing). My questions are as follows:
1. Does this means that I do not need SOPs for the sections prior to this (11.2.9)?
2. If so, do I need Policies for sections 11.1.1 (Premises Location and Approval) up to section 11.2.8 (Ventilation) (sections before 11.2.9) ?
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Yes. You should write a Premise SOP saying what the facility and ground are like. (Look at the clauses to cover all the aspects).. Then be sure to determine how your monitoring and maintaining your premises (Typically GMP Inspections, etc.).. Ventilation should also be covered.


I would seriously consider the document templates provide by IFSQN, if you do not have them yourself. 

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Hi Ryan.
Do I also need a Policy for the seccion 11.1.

Yes.. I would make a policy for 11.1-2.8 and call it the Premise SOP.. If you do not know already the SQFI Website does provide Guidance documents which you could use to help you.. They tell you what is expected as well as WHAT the auditor is going to look for.. 

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