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Bird Repellent Effectiveness

Started by , Dec 14 2018 08:54 AM
6 Replies

Hi ! We have a bird problem in our plant premises. We produce feeds, hence birds (and other pests) are attracted to our facility.  Our biggest problem are birds. Seeking advice from actual experience on how effective are those Bird Repellents (ultra-sonic sound devices). They say this device is so effective that they are used in airports to ward off birds from the take-off/landing field .


Thank you and looking forward to your replies.

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Hi, Artemis.


Bird repellent are effective for some period of time. In example, some bird repellent (chemicals) will only be good for 6 days, while ultra sonic devices or shiny surfaces will be good for 10-30 days befor they can get used to it. Some practices to turn on and off the ultra sonic devices or lasers on a defined frequency so as to keep birds from getting used to it for extended duration of time. If you use physical devices (such as owl face, shiny disc, shiny ribbon or bird repellent), the removal will be difficult thus the effect will be short term.


What I recommend is to observe from which place in the facility does the bird normally attracted to:


1. You may several nesting point from in hygienic installation of trusses or roof joints that birds used that area as nesting point. As a correction, you may want to apply bird net with the screen opening proportional to your target bird (e.g. you don't want to use 10x10cm screen mesh if you target small birds). On roof joints or connection, apply appropriate sealant or stainless steel.

2. Review how do you handle the waste. Is your waste properly covered. How do you transport waste from your production to the central waste handling area? are there normally a lot of open debris that attract birds?

3. Is there heavy vegeatation or trees near your buidlings? With this, there will be normally insects that attracts birds thus they may go further to your facility. What is recommended is to have a defined frequency of tending this vegetation to avoid being harborage of insects that attract birds.


Keep the outside areas as free from spills as you possibly can, remove the food, and they will move on


The other option that is very effective is to contract out a bird of prey. There are service providers that will bring a falcon or hawk to your site and that will scare off the little birds.




Airports etc may resort to this method if a flock decides to take up residents

Best of luck


We hung strips of bright blue plastic in our overhang area where little birds kept nesting..........that helped almost immediately. They are uncomfortable with the constant movement that the breeze created

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There are some chemical deterrents that discourage landing on surfaces, but they do not last very long. Our plant uses corn and we have a huge problem with starlings and pigeons. We started using one of the most effective bird control methods I have ever seen. We hired a falconer. When he started, he visited the facility daily and flew his falcon or hawk around. Since it is instinctual for the birds to fly away from predators, whenever they see the hawk or falcon they leave. By returning daily, he discourages the birds from roosting. Now he comes every three months to help maintain keeping the birds away. When we started this, we had over 500 resident starlings and now we only have about 10. It is amazing!

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Hi - I am only speaking from personal experience on this one but there is no one method of getting rid of birds that works you will need to use several different techniques. If the birds are not protected then remove the nests and the eggs but make sure they are not protected first (your pest controller should be able to tell you this)

We have one of the airport shiny flashy things which is supposed to stop the birds from landing - it doesn't work 100% but it does help a bit (for £1000 you would hope it helped a lot more).

We also had a fake hawk - Doesn't work - they laugh at it after about 10 minutes.

We had a live hawk - really didn't work, was very expensive and upset the local residents - live hawking has to be done a lot, at the right time and will only work for certain birds if you can afford to have them come daily and the hawk is hungry and active I think it could work

The sound thing works but just like the flashy thing it isn't as effective as you want it to be and we found that after a while they got used to it (maybe we have deaf birds?)

Most effective thing I've found so far - block their nest sites, netting usually comes in to play which is expensive and make sure you get the right size. But blocking off holes and places where they want to nest is a good deterrent. Add on to that, giving them somewhere else to go, so we have a large site with some wooded areas and some derelict abandoned sheds at the edge of the site into these areas we have put nesting boxes and lots of food to draw them away from the factory they aren't causing a problem to the factory area and we plan to put a camera in one of the boxes and live feed it to the local primary school - we are lucky we have a big site


But even now with having all of the above I will still get the odd bird who wants to nest directly above the pedestrian access door and as ours are protected, once they have set up home there is nothing we can do until the winter and they fly off for their hols


If the pest company is selling you one method of dealing with them as the answer they are being a bit disingenuous, you need to use a variety of tools no one thing will completely solve the problem.

There are some Pest control companies that deals with Birf Infestation too. You should try this option.

Hi, Artemis.

Bird repellent are effective for some period of time. In example, some bird repellent (chemicals) will only be good for 6 days, while ultra sonic devices or shiny surfaces will be good for 10-30 days befor they can get used to it. Some practices to turn on and off the ultra sonic devices or lasers on a defined frequency so as to keep birds from getting used to it for extended duration of time. If you use physical devices (such as owl face, shiny disc, shiny ribbon or bird repellent), the removal will be difficult thus the effect will be short term.

What I recommend is to observe from which place in the facility does the bird normally attracted to:

1. You may several nesting point from in hygienic installation of trusses or roof joints that birds used that area as nesting point. As a correction, you may want to apply bird net with the screen opening proportional to your target bird (e.g. you don't want to use 10x10cm screen mesh if you target small birds). On roof joints or connection, apply appropriate sealant or stainless steel.
2. Review how do you handle the waste. Is your waste properly covered. How do you transport waste from your production to the central waste handling area? are there normally a lot of open debris that attract birds?
3. Is there heavy vegeatation or trees near your buidlings? With this, there will be normally insects that attracts birds thus they may go further to your facility. What is recommended is to have a defined frequency of tending this vegetation to avoid being harborage of insects that attract birds.

We use sonic devices. Sound must be changes regularly.
Devices fork for migratory birds which is the main risk for our factory. Because they can bring bird flue.
Partially working against local birds

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