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Policies and Procedures for a Food Safety Plan

Started by , Dec 08 2018 07:55 AM
11 Replies

SQF edition 8

(excuse my ignorance, but this is the first time that I write a Food Safety Plan)


Do I need to develop SOP's for module 2 ?

Do I need to develop policies por module 11 ?

In module 11 when it mention procedures, it is referring to the SOP's?


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Bascially, everything needs to be documented. In most cases, everything in Module 2 and most of Module 11.


Yes, "procedure" means SOP - a written document. "Say what you do. Do what you say. Prove it." That's pretty much SQF's model.


I am in Module 13, but maybe the attached will benefit you. It was a class I took no too long ago. It lists all the documents and records I needed to have in place. Good luck! and I know this community will help as long as you're asking. :)

Attached Files

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Hi Julie

Let me see if I understood your explanation.

I am going to develop a policy for 2.1 Management Commitment from 2.1.1(Food Safety Policy) through 2.1.5 (Crisis Management Planning)

And then another policy for 2.2 Document Control and Records from 2.2.2 (Food Safety Management System through 2.2.3 (Records) and so on.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me.

Generally speaking, module 2 is policies/programs and module 11 is SOPs.  I'm generalizing but it should help you start.


If you write a policy that states someone will/shall etc, then that needs an SOP to follow

1 Like1 Thank

Hi Carmelo,


Maybe have a look at this post/thread -



1 Thank

Hi Carmelo,

Maybe have a look at this post/thread -


Hi Charles.
So fos SQF standars procedure are the same that SOP's.
Hi Charles
So for SQF, proceduers=SOP's???

Hi Charles
So for SQF, proceduers=SOP's???


Hi Carmelo,


There are no uniquely  followed interpretations of terminologies like  "Procedure", "SOP" as used in documentation methodologies, ie such words  can have variable meanings depending on the specific Organization, Company etc. Some Standards use terms like SOP, Procedure interchangeably.  Some "Procedures" include the Policy also.


afaik ISO's documentation "triangle" of Policies, Procedures, Work Instructions is the most commonly used reference source.


afaik SQF nowhere define terms like Policy, Procedure, SOP etc. although they do sometimes specify what information their chosen text term should "cover".


afaik this is the nearest SQF come to suggest their basic intended documentation system (SQF8 Guidance) -

Document  the  SQF  System  –  prepare  policies,  procedures,  work  instructions  and  specifications  that address the relevant modules of the SQF Code. In other words “say what you do.”
Implement the SQF System – put into place the prepared policies, procedures, work instructions and specifications. In other words, “do what you say.”
Provide records the SQF System – keep records to demonstrate compliance to the relevant modules of the  SQF  Code.  These  records  provide  evidence  of  the  function  and  control  of  the  System.  In  other words, “prove it


Personally I think SQF generally use the terms SOP/Procedure interchangeably , eg this extract -


Cold storage, freezing, and chilling procedures (SOPs) and temperature validation procedures will be reviewed as part of the initial desk audit.


Personally (although I'm not a SQF User), i doubt that SQF care if you add the ISO Procedure and the ISO Work Instruction together and call it Procedure or SOP as long as you are "consistent" . ( IMEX many labs use "Procedure" for everything. :smile: )


Also see this older Post / thread -




PS - If you would like to see a comparison, here is the US,EPA's highly defined requirements for their SOP -


EPA - Guidance for Preparing SOP.pdf   262.52KB   167 downloads


In ISO terms this SOP, i think, = Procedure + Work Instruction + "Others"


PPS - if you want a "Procedure/SOP"  template, there are many examples on IT and also variously posted across this Forum.

3 Thanks
Thank you again Charles for the information

In stead of creating all of the policies and procedures, we opted to purchase a pre-written package and alter it to reflect our specific activities / processes. IMO, procedures and SOPs are interchangeable. SOP = Standard Operating Procedures. We are also in module 13 so we include all Mandatory and relevant elements from Module 2 and all elements from Module 13. Have you hired a consultant yet?

1 Like1 Thank
No, I need to develop the Food Safety Plan(SQF standards)

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