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Rule 117.40 Equipment and utensils, storing scoops safely

Started by , Nov 27 2018 05:10 PM
1 Reply

FSMA rule 117.40 Equipment and utensils. The rule is vague on how utensils should be stored to protect from contamination (I understand and get this completely)


My problem: an employee who has been here for a long time and has always done it a certain way.


So is there any specific guidance document on how scoops should be stored or a place that specifically states that you can't store a scoop in a container of an ingredient like salt even if the handle isn't touching the product.


Thanks in advance.

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My take - how can you assure that the scoop will not touch product at any time while being in the bin, even if the handle is up? How can you be sure the product won't shift or the container won't get bumped and the scoop won't make contact with the product? Answer: by not storing the scoop in the product. 

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