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Have you met your food safety & quality objectives in 2018?

Started by , Nov 27 2018 08:29 AM
13 Replies

Setting objectives is a requirement of food safety management systems and are an essential tool for continual improvement.  


Please vote in the poll and let us know where you have succeeded and perhaps not done so well. 


Also let us know what your main goals will be for 2019.





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I hate setting objectives because we're running out of things to track. Complaints are down to 0.000n per kg produced, so that's out. Anyone have any good ideas for 2019?

I've got a challenge study in the works to change how we do things altogether. So hopefully next year will be all about setting new benchmarks!

Our main goal for 2019 is to implement ISO 22000 in our organization and fully develop a food safety culture and start exporting by the end of 2019 InshaAllah. Also we're planning to get Halal Certified.

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Our primary goal was to implement SQF level 2 in a packaging plant under the FSC 27. I started all by myself lately January of this year and had the final audit 2 days ago with only 9 minor non-conformances. I partly met my goals because of the implementation work but looking forward to meeting all the program next year.


Happy holidays everyone!


also, I want to take this space to thank all those that helped somehow in my topics to achieve my programs.


Cheers  :beer:

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You can track: Internal HOLD's (Or just Food Safety HOLDs), Internal Audit results (Pass/ fail / score), External Audit results, Amount of NC's, Environmental Monitoring results, Employee Training completion percentage, REWORK, Don't forget quality parameters which could be added as a metric too.. There are a ton of options, just think of ways to continuously improve.. 


Our site's new goal is to implement Safe Feed Safe Food after previously working with ISO certifications. I for one am thankful for the switch - trying to wrap my head around ISO language was challenging.  Things have been a bit chaotic around here with various changes in management over the past year or so, so I'm looking forward to restoring some sense of order, at least on the feed safety side. Another goal: reduce customer complaints.  :ejut:

We capped off 2018 with a score of 100% on our SQF III (v8.0) re-certification! That does not mean we are perfect however. Some of our 2019 goals are:


  • Expand Ozone use/coverage, Reducing chemical sanitizer use
  • Use live video feeds in quality process control and verification of GMP/SSOP/SOPs
  • Reduce overall Styrofoam use
  • Increase training frequency - better training matrix and organization
  • Use data captured in 2018 in more creative ways - i.e. customer returns by species. Just get more granular with data overall
  • More Management training - Leadership, problem solving, team building

The 2019 list is extensive.....Going to be a great year. Cheers!

We capped off 2018 with a score of 100% on our SQF III (v8.0) re-certification! That does not mean we are perfect however. Some of our 2019 goals are:


  • Expand Ozone use/coverage, Reducing chemical sanitizer use
  • Use live video feeds in quality process control and verification of GMP/SSOP/SOPs
  • Reduce overall Styrofoam use
  • Increase training frequency - better training matrix and organization
  • Use data captured in 2018 in more creative ways - i.e. customer returns by species. Just get more granular with data overall
  • More Management training - Leadership, problem solving, team building

The 2019 list is extensive.....Going to be a great year. Cheers!

Almost forgot the most critical to me and my department - DIGITIZE OUR HACCP CHECKLISTS!!! 

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We had a mixed year, mostly good BUT our target of less than 4 complaints per 100,000 to beat last years less than 4.7, is now running at a much higher level so fingers crossed next year we should at least get lower. We ere less than 2 in September then one recall comes along and blows it up to  :doh:  


The business and systems are much stronger for it now though

I came into this position part way through the year and had to learn fast and lead an SQF audit within a month of SQF training. We scored a 97, it wasn't an official objective but a personal goal of mine to score a 98 so I'm pretty satisfied.

Our objective for next year is to move into a new facility and develop and implement an SQF quality program. 

2018 wasn't easy. Having to have start at the company mid year as food safety team leader with a recetification audit coming up in 4 months and leading a team with limited knowledge in food safety :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  


We have passed our 2018 FSSC re-certification audit without any major or critical findings. Our customer complaint investigation process has greatly improved since 2017. 


2019 goals: Pass our 1st FSSC unannounced audit with no major or critical findings and Obtain a halaal certificate. 

Yup...when I started with the company back in April / May our shelf-life and level of consumer complaints were atrocious.  I led the procedures, processes, and programs implementation and improvement to decrease consumer complaints and increase shelf-life of the products even though my boss really wanted me to focus on the lab and SQF.


I remember one of the first couple weeks I was with the company I stayed all night working on issues relating to CIP / sanitation.  It delayed production a few hours.  I worked a 16 hour day and stayed until the following morning for the daily morning briefing.  My boss was NOT happy production was delayed. 


He sat me down in his office and told me, "You don't need to come in here and plant a flag to show what you know."  I was completely astounded by this. 


He told me to make sure the equipment is clean, but don't delay production. 


I asked him, "Ok, so since we have so many issues with our CIP systems what am I to do if the equipment doesn't come clean after CIP? Nothing?" 


His response, "Well just don't delay production, but make sure it is clean."


I knew after this conversation that he has no clue and no management/leadership skills.  Consequently, I have had the two worst reviews by this guy in my entire career.


At any rate...I completely ignored him and focused on the sanitation and CIP since we had so many issues.  Once I got those straightened out our quality improved overnight.  On top of that personnel training with GMP and sanitation was sorely needed and I was able to do this at the same time as the CIP stuff.


So...6 months of very poor shelf-life and customer complaints to 6 months of excellent shelf-life and minimal customer complaints to end up blowing out our annual goals.


Here's a lesson folks...the boss isn't always right, especially when he/she is clueless.

Achieved Halal A grade. Achieved ISO 22K: 2018. Next is creating food safety culture.

Happy holiday.

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