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Anyone use an industrial vacuum for dry cleaning in your facility?

Started by , Nov 19 2018 03:49 PM
3 Replies

Has/does anyone use an industrial vacuum cleaner for dry cleaning in their facility? 

Pro/cons, please discuss.

My boss just brought it up but I don't have any information at all. I'm curious to hear what everyone here thinks. 

He's talking floors and equipment, so I'm already seeing issues with using the tools on the floor and keeping them separate from the equipment ones. I'm also seeing issues with timing, multiple pieces of equipment and lots of square footage for just one vacuum. How is the vacuum cleaner itself cleaned and maintained. So many questions and issues. I'm trying not to be resistant to change, but our current system works well so I'm not convinced. 

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yes, we used them in a dry blend area for zone 2, 3 and 4.(not food contact area )

assign  each one for a specific area 

and include them in your SSOP master log

include them in your environment monitoring procedure

your most concern is the filter of the vacuum, it has  to be checked periodically and every changeover ( add them to your checklist)  

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Agree with Ahejja. The challenges are the following.


For vacuum accessories, how will dedicate the accessories for equipment and environment.

IF you are using vaccum with dust collection bag, every when will you replace the bag and should there be available stock.

Where do you clean the vacuum, I recommend this to be in separate room.

Maintenance of the vacuum filter (including inspection). If the filter is already damaged, is not anymore suitable.

If you are using vacuum without dust collection bag, put in SSOP how and where do you clean. If the duration is too long, you might risk having Stored product insect to harbor inside your vacuum.

If you have product with different allergen or different risks (micro) evaluate how will this be not an issue.



For the pros:

For dry cleaning, I see it as one of the most efficient and effective cleaning tool for dry technique such that if you provide proper awareness, maintenance and training, it will simplify (shorten) your cleaning method.

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Dear Polly,


As mentioned above, it can be an effective cleaning tool. I would just like to underline the frequent cleaning (= mainly emptying the device) of the inside of the vacuum.


To clean as dry as possible is always advantageous.


Kind regards,


Gerard Heerkens

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