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What kind of documentation should be done prior to running a new line?

Started by , Nov 12 2018 07:21 PM
7 Replies


We having new line line instaltion being done in week. What kind of documentation should be done prior to be running line. I have sanitation done in line.

Thank you

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After installation you need to; 

  1. Verify the line is intact.....no missing or broken pieces
  2. Have sanitation dismantle what will normally be taken apart
  3. Clean/Sanitize  SWAB all kinds of places for TPC or ATP---Put line ON HOLD
  4. Inspect line again for broken/missing pieces as well as normal PreOp inspection
  5. Make a determination re: swab results and visual inspections. 


Stay very close to the machine for the first few shifts of production.............if there is going to be an issue you'll want to be present before it gets out of hand

1 Thank

Do i need to do environmental swab prior to running line?

Do i need to do environmental swab prior to running line?


Some context may help.


Standard/Product/Process = ???

Hi Jigi,


You need to validate the new line. Depending on the context, the topics mentioned above are, or could be, part of this validation. To be sure of the food safety and the quality of the products produced on this line, the validation is done before its release.


After the validation process with eventual modifications, you can start producing with the new line. The verification starts, in the beginning the line can be more intensively monitored. 


Be sure that your system has been adapted to the new situation, such as process flows, risk assessment instructions and other documents, see above.


Kind regards,


Gerard Heerkens

Hi, Jigi.


Is your query focus to FS or including Q?


On top of what is mentioned above, I would to do short run to for machinability test (which will include the packaging as well) to check if:


Delivering the quantity as intended, the packaging is intact and if gassing is required, is the residual oxygen within limit.

If the new line is for process or mixing, I would do homogeneity test or dosing test. 

If the new line have CCP or oPRP as identified in my preliminary HACCP, will also do the operational qualification and installation qualification (as preliminary validation).


After the short run, to dismantle the line again to check that it is not generating any physical hazard while in operation.


Depending on the line, you may establish quality plan that will check moving parts or possible loose items that operator will check before and after run.

Maintenance and calibration plan is already in place as well in new lines to avoid quality/FS issues on the long run that root cause will say "new PM or calibration plan is established for new line".


Again, depending on where the new line is or what part of the processm there are other things that can be added.

Can i have guidance document for new line. I am not getting any information from maintenance  they said we just put it together.



thread from 2013 has some checklists in it


No, you need to talk to the project manager or whoever was responsible for acquiring this piece of equipment..........maintenance has zero power here

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