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Effect of BRC issue 8 on a company with BRC IoP issue 5 Certification?

Started by , Oct 23 2018 10:02 AM
5 Replies

I am hoping that someone can clear something up for me. 


1.  Is issue 5 the most current packaging BRC version?


2. How does BRC issue 8 effect a company who is accredited to BRC IoP issue 5?


Thank you

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Hi Les Ley,


1.  Is issue 5 the most current packaging BRC version?

Yes, it is.



2. How does BRC issue 8 effect a company who is accredited to BRC IoP issue 5?

It doesn't/should really have any impact at all.

Thank you pHruit.  Do you know if there is due to be a new issue of the packaging standard?


Thank you

Hi Les Ley,


Issue 6 is in development, I haven't seen a timescale for launch.


In part I would expect the changes to mimic Issue 8 Food changes such as requirements:

- to plan to develop a product safety culture

- for a confidential reporting system

- for food defence not just security

- for the control of product labels/printing

- for HACCP review & changes may be reflected in policies/objectives

- as a minimum the internal audit programme will include at least 4 different audit dates spread throughout the year

- the site shall have a procedure for the completion of root cause analysis

- the site shall have a documented traceability procedure

- the site shall have adequate measures in place to prevent birds from entering buildings or roosting above loading or unloading areas

- the significance of laboratory results shall be understood and acted upon accordingly


There may also be for extension of requirements for intended use, control of inks plus considering possible migration.


Kind regards,



Hi All,

We were audited to BRC Packaging V 5 earlier this month and the auditor said that he anticipated the V6 would be out in August 2019 and we would have until 1st  Feb 2020 to comply. After that date all will be audited to the new standard. 

2 Thanks

Yes, that last  comment from Sharon was confirmed by my auditor last week. V6 draft consultation document can be downloaded from the BRC site but the date for comments has now passed.

1 Thank

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