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MSc Thesis survey on Food Safety Training

Started by , Oct 18 2018 07:04 PM
18 Replies

Good evening all,


I am currently completing my MSc in Food Safety Management and in the process of circulating my survey, its based on Food Safety Training with a focus on the potential barriers that my impact the effectiveness of the training outcomes. I would be interested to her your comments and suggestions on the research topic and if any of you were willing to participate in the survey i will forward the link also. Thanks 

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Wow, if you could figure out how to get employees to buy into the training in this field that would be fantastic!!!


How to keep the same material year after year relevant and timely so that employees don't disengage because this is the 10th time in 9 years they've heard all of this before

Thanks Interesting comments, taken on board and I agree, there are so many different elements that may impact the training. but food safety culture plays a major role in it also.


Training materials and methods is a big part of this project, e Learning, blended learning and work based tasks

I'm interested in taking the survey! 

1 Thank

Language and culture barriers are big issues. If paper based learning is used, comprehension is another. Once you get passed those barriers, like Scampi said, buy-in/employee motivation is a major struggle.


I would post your survey then see how many will respond - I bet you get a good response. I like most are always willing to help a student out.

1 Thank

thanks for all comments, I have copied the link to my survey below if your interested in participating, it takes approx. 6 mins and is completely confidential.  


Food Safety Training with a focus on the potential barriers that may impact the effectiveness of the training outcomes.





You will have to let us know the results of your thesis research, I'm interested to see if my barriers are the norm (although judging from the above comments, they seem to be). Thanks for posting the survey link, always glad to help.  Good Luck!

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Thanks very much and yes I will defiantly post the results up

Hi, Diane.


I have completed mine. Everything is good. If I may add, if on the "perspective" of the trainee, how would she/he like to be trained. For the training techniques, there will be 10 (classroom), 20 (coaching) and 70 (OTJ), more often, food safety training in many companies are being restricted in classroom (or same with E-learning), hence only 10% retention.


I may also add if the classroom if they preferred the mostly they listen or there are group work or experience sharing to avoid the usual mostly "theoretical", the problem mostly is how it can be applied to real-life settings as much as possible :)

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I have found the most success in programs where I can get the team to take ownership of the program.  If they feel as though their actions are making an impact or if they feel as though they are able to shape how the program is being built then we are able to really get the group engaged.


Survey taken!!

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hope this helps,

interesting topic as I am Polish, working in UK as technical assistant with years of experience in food safety (2 more years to finish my MSc in food technology)

I recently became a trainer in my company.

And to be honest struggling with creation of training program that would work and change the culture.

Lack of support from management especially to release people from production for training and constant excuses of busy periods. Lack of interest from people ...

Not everyone have/use a computer or maybe its only their excuse not to do online training...can not force them though...

We have polish speaking workers therefore I can provide training in both languages which is handy.

otherwise not a nice role to be given...



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Our last training session was Jeopardy. It was a refresher course on GMPs, pest control, allergens. I divided the class into 3 teams each having a service bell in front of them. Everyone named their teams and I had a score keeper and some dollar store gifts. We reviewed the training material and then played. 


It went like this - Name one thing we use for allergen control.

(Someone - omg, she just old us)

Team one hits bell - Green containers!

Me - sorry no - 

Team two hits bell - What is green containers?

Me - that's correct!

The bells were going off like crazy and there was lots of laughter (and learning), senior management could hear all the commotion and came into to watch for a bit. I was told that that was the most engaging, interactive training session ever witnessed. 

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We shifted gears this year after doing refresher training every year. We gave a simple written test and were appalled at the low scores from some of the employees who have been here for many years. We rewarded those who scored 100 with gift cards. Others were retrained. Our plan is to continue training but offer a variation of the test once a year and think of new ways to engage the crew. 


Jeopardy is a great idea!

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thanks for all comments, I have copied the link to my survey below if your interested in participating, it takes approx. 6 mins and is completely confidential.  


Food Safety Training with a focus on the potential barriers that may impact the effectiveness of the training outcomes.






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We shifted gears this year after doing refresher training every year. We gave a simple written test and were appalled at the low scores from some of the employees who have been here for many years. We rewarded those who scored 100 with gift cards. Others were retrained. Our plan is to continue training but offer a variation of the test once a year and think of new ways to engage the crew. 


Jeopardy is a great idea!


I was thinking of introducing competency assessment

few variations - basic GMP, for procedures and allergen control

based on the result decide if refresher training is needed

annual refresher is impossible to be arranged and noticed they all say 'yes I know' ...

so why don't they follow the procedures??!!


attached just a first draft and to be honest not sure if this will be of any use...

Attached Files

1 Thank

Thanks for all the interesting comments and for completing my survey. They are really good ideas, I will defiantly try some of those and its really interesting to hear everyone's suggestions.


Thanks so much :)

Dear Diane,


I wish you very good luck with your thesis. I've just done the survey.


A combination of different methods works the best. A big advantage of a trainer (thus not by e-learning) is the interaction with the group and the discussions.


Kind regards,


Gerard Heerkens

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Hi Gerard,


Thank you for completing my survey, I totally agree with your comment on interaction with the group also.



1 Thank

Hey Diane,


How did the results of your survey turn out?

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