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SQF - Do we need to provide a locker for every employee?

Started by , Oct 17 2018 02:15 AM
3 Replies Where applicable, provision shall be made for staff to store their street clothing and personal items
separate from packaging handling or storage areas.


Pertaining to this element - does the company need to provide lockers to every employee? We currently don't have any room to add on additional lockers.


Can someone help provide some insights?

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If you don't have lockers for every employee, where are they going to store their clothes and personal effects?
I doubt you'd convince anyone to not bring phone, keys etc to work with them and if they don't feel they can keep these securely in their own locker then they are far more likely to try to take them into process areas and create bigger problems for you.

If you have enough lockers to cover everyone on shift at any one time and at changeover then rather than having an individual personal locker it could simply be a case of leaving the key in the door for the next person (like they do in some gyms), so you potentially wouldn't need quite as many lockers.

It doesn't say lockers per say.............code just says an area removed from the manufacturing area


The other thing to consider are the labour laws..............what does your state say you need to do


You can buy rows of 1/2 size lockers so you get double the lockers in the same amount of space...................this is easily going to turn into an HR nightmare with employee A accusing employee B of stealing XYZ


What are you doing currently?

The code doesn't specify lockers, nor does it specify that each employee must have their own locker or that the storage provided must have locks/security, although it is nice to provide your employees with locked storage so they aren't trying to hide their phone, keys, etc. in their pockets because they don't want to leave them out. Still, you could utilize locker-sharing or the usage of cubby units if you needed.   

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