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Supplement label requirements for serving

Started by , Sep 28 2018 01:59 PM
7 Replies



Our company manufactures dietary supplements.  Some of these supplements are given in capsule doses.  Recently we are re-doing our labels and have come to a disagreement regarding the supplement fact panel. 


Within our supplement fact panel it lists "serving size 2 capsules".  Behind the serving size is it necessary or needed to put in parenthesis behind it the metric weight units (750mg), for example. We do for our powders but I don't know if it is a requirement for capsules or liquids. 


Any help is appreciated. 

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what country please

United States.  We will be exporting some of our products to sell outside of the country. 

need those countries too please----every country has a different set of regs you will need to comply with

As far as I know Australia, UK and Canada.

As far as the United States goes, I believe that we do not have to list the metric weight after the dose for capsules, correct?


















From above link;  How must I express the net quantity of contents statement on my label?

You must express the net quantity of contents statement in either weight, measure, numerical count or a combination of numerical count and weight or measure. When you express this quantity as a weight or measure, you must specify both metric (grams, kilograms, milliliters, or liters) and U.S. Customary System (ounces, pounds, or fluid ounces) terms.

Public Law 102-329, August 3, 1992 and 21 CFR 101.105

1 Like2 Thanks

Wow, thank you so much!  Perfect feedback. 

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