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Micro testing for raw frozen pizza

Started by , Sep 23 2018 03:32 AM
4 Replies

I am considering reviewing micro testing requirements for our raw frozen pepperoni pizza. Currently testing for E. coli, Coliforms, and S. aureus. 


Our customer is requesting to test Yeast and Mold as well.


Our team is confused what micro tests should be carried out and its acceptance criteria/ limits with reasoning.

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Hi J T,
There are links to Microbiological Standards and Guidelines on the USDA webpage
5.9 FOODS - requiring further cooking (> 70°C)
It would seem reasonable to do some Y & M testing to me, typically people look for less than 100/g but I've seen less than 500/g quoted as well.
Kind regards,
1 Like1 Thank

Thank you Tony.


Let us try if we have people here from manufacturers/ experience in non-RTE/ raw frozen pizza:


anyone would like to share their micro testing criteria and acceptance limit?

I am considering reviewing micro testing requirements for our raw frozen pepperoni pizza. Currently testing for E. coli, Coliforms, and S. aureus. 


Our customer is requesting to test Yeast and Mold as well.


Our team is confused what micro tests should be carried out and its acceptance criteria/ limits with reasoning.


Hi JT,


IMEX the customer mostly knows what he wants, and why.


I assume by raw you mean ready to cook, not ready to warm.


Since this is raw, there are less likely to be any official standards  However IMO it is somewhat weird that the only pathogen you are currently testing for is S.aureus.


You might like to have a browse through these micro-collections -




And these links (there may be overlap) -



1 Thank



JFI, this collection contains, I guess, a safety-related micro. specification for a RTE Pizza (although the process described looks more like RTC) -


various Product specification Sheets.pdf   1.01MB   78 downloads

(see Pg 45) (some of the other [RTE/NRTE] products have additional, quality/safety-related, data)

2 Thanks

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