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Is coconut classified as an Allergen in South Africa

Started by , Sep 07 2018 06:40 AM
3 Replies

Good day All


Just curious, is Coconut or desiccated coconut regarded as an allergen in South Africa?


I cant seem to find proper legislative documents or any other documents relating to SA regarding this aspect


Please advise


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“Coconuts are members of the palm family and are only distantly related to tree nuts. Although the FDA classifies coconut as a tree nut for food labelling purposes, coconut does not appear on such lists in the EU and South Africa.”

Source: https://www.factssa....ths-debunked-2/

Not “official” but hopefully you can use this as a starting point.
1 Thank

“Coconuts are members of the palm family and are only distantly related to tree nuts. Although the FDA classifies coconut as a tree nut for food labelling purposes, coconut does not appear on such lists in the EU and South Africa.”

Source: https://www.factssa....ths-debunked-2/

Not “official” but hopefully you can use this as a starting point.



thank you for this :)

Hi, Twinkle.
You may want to check this, unfo,this is currently blocked in my IP, but they are referencing similar to F.
​"Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, Act 54 of 1972  Regulations relating to Labelling & Advertising  of Foodstuffs (R. 146/2010)"

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