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Traceability requirements BRC A&B

Started by , Aug 10 2018 07:09 AM
2 Replies
Hi to everyone!
I work in a commercial company that sell own branded food products which are produced from several manufacturers in EU. Until now, the traceability rely on traceability system of the subcontraded warehouses and every day they send us a list with the receivements and shipments including the LOT nr of products. So, in that way the company fulfill the EU legislation requirements - "one step back, one step forward" (EC 178/2002, EC 937/2011).
Do you thing that this could fulfill the BRC A&B requirements regarding traceability? 
Thank everyone in advance. 
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Yes, this should largely be fine. We've been A&B certified since the Issue 1 standard first launched in 2015, and are similarly reliant on external warehousing but have no problems with this type of approach.

I would recommend doing what you can to verify that the correct traceability details are recorded - it's easy for a large warehouse handling lots of companies' products to write down the wrong code on a label, so just make sure these are cross-checked against the packing list / CofA (or whatever documents your supplier uses to let you know which batches they've sent), as this will help confirm both that you've received the product(s) you were expecting and that you and the warehouse have logged the correct trace details.

Some warehouses are also able to photograph labels as they arrive, so this is a good extra check and we also attach a copy of this to our batch details for the lot.

1 Thank

Hi pHruit,


thank you for your response.



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