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Micro problems with raw chocolate

Started by , Aug 09 2018 09:11 AM
2 Replies
Hi has anyone had any dealings with raw chocolate.
we are looking at using it in the bakery, but I am very concerned about micro problems.
does anyone know if it is likely to be contaminated with salmonella from the drying process.

Thank you

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Check the local legislation.


Salmonella also can be isolated from dry samples.

1 Thank

By raw chocolate you mean? If not roasted, the risk might be high. There has been an outbreak before (15 years ago) related to insufficient heat treatment for chocolate in the EU. Btw, will this be used as filling? The boundary between the filling and the dough may also provide some risk during the baking process. Understand that "many" are now into raw foods (especially cacao due to claims on preserving more nutrients and benefits),such current processing of beans to nibs still pose high risk for Salmonella contamination.

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