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Any laws that require company address on food packaging?

Started by , Aug 06 2018 10:54 AM
1 Reply



Are there any laws related to  writing down  company address on food packaging..?  can it be just be email address and phone number or it has to be full address, we are about to move into our new building and I am in process of amending my existing artwork for some other reason, so though would change address as well, but my colleague advice me not to as we not yet producing any food in that premises, so I was wondering if I could just put company name, email and phone number in the packaging so that I don't have to amend it again when we move to new site.


any advice would be appreciated.





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Hi Nadim,
Yes - Article 9(1) of Regulation (EU) 1169/2011: In accordance with Articles 10 to 35 and subject to the exceptions contained in this Chapter, indication of the following particulars shall be mandatory... (h) the name or business name and address of the food business operator referred to in Article 8(1);


If this is for food to be sold in the UK, current guidance is that this should be an actual physical address - email/phone along is not sufficient. See https://www.gov.uk/g...siness-operator and https://www.food.gov...uidance2014.pdf


It doesn't, however, have to necessarily be the physical address at which the food is actually produced - it would be acceptable to instead give the address of the food business responsible for the production, so for example if you buy a product from a large manufacturer with multiple production sites, they don't label the address differently on each site's production but instead give a single address for the business. Similarly, lots of brand owners have food made by third parties these days, but most will label with the brand rather than producer's address.

I therefore don't see any problem with changing the address to the new building, assuming that you now own/rent it, as it is a legitimate physical contact address for your food business.

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