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'No sugar' mango and pineapple juice stabiliser?

Started by , Jul 27 2018 03:48 AM
6 Replies

hallo everyone, what is the best 'no sugar' mango juice and pineapple juice stabilizer to use.

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Hi Dennislimonade,

What are your juices, and what do you mean by "stabilised"?
e.g. are you starting with clarified concentrates, cloudy NFC juices/purees, have they been enzymatically processed, what shelf life are you expecting, what behaviour is it that you're trying to prevent with the stabilisation etc?
There are quite a few things that can affect stability of juice products, so useful to know what you're starting with and what you're hoping to achieve!
Pineapple and Mango can both be very pulpy and challenging for visual stability - unless you're using cloudy juices it's almost impossible to completely prevent pulp settling out over time unless you want to use some more aggressive processing, although a bit of e.g. pectin and a note on the label that says "shake well before use" can help ;)



My juices are 'mango juice and pineapple juice'' all cold pressed. I want to make healthy fruit juices. After juicing the fruits, there is alot of pulpy at the bottom of the bottles, alot of oxidation is taking place even after packing them. So am looking for 'no sugar' stabililer to prevent oxidation and pulpy settling.

the shelf life i want is 6 months.

How are you filling and packing them?

If you're just aiming to do a cold clean fill into PET then you'll need to keep them chilled, and 6 months is highly unlikely to be feasible.

Some ascorbic acid will help with oxidation, but it's not all that common to use for pineapple or mango as they tend to be relatively robust juices, and if you're getting significant oxidation problems you may want to look at your process. Heat tends to increase rate of oxidation, so in a cold-processed product it is a bit unusual.

You should fully expect oxidation to continue once packed, as this is often one of the limiting factors on shelf life for some types of longer-life juice products - there will be some dissolved oxygen in the juices, and many packaging formats aren't completely impermeable to oxygen either.


Stability for cold-pressed juice is very challenging, as there is no thermal deactivation of the natural enzyme content and this can exacerbate the visual problem of the pulp settling. Some pectin may help with this, but it is unlikely to stop it completely and you'll need to check the regs in the country/countries you'll be selling them to check what additives are permitted.

Reducing the pulp content will also help slightly with the appearance, but you can't completely avoid it without engaging in heavier processing. You may want to consider using this as a marketing device along the lines of "Our juices are naturally pulpy and will settle over time: Please shake well before use", as it does at least avoid people having too much cause to complain about. Won't stop the complaints completely though - you'll always have a background level of people who want to eat natural products but don't like the fact that they do natural things ;)

Lots of variables - but, take a look at:


Thanks SQFconsultants for the link.

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