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Ingredient & Nutritional declaration- Language

Started by , Jul 18 2018 11:33 AM
2 Replies

​I am wondering if there is any law regarding Multilanguage ingredient and nutritional  declaration  to be able to sell products in different EU countries.? basically wants to know if it is compulsory to have information of ingredient and nutrition on the packaging  with language of the country where it is sold to.?





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You can check Regulation EC 1169/2011, art. 15. And the relevant Member State regulation from the countries you want to bring the product to market. My advice: do it in the language of the country. 


Article 15 Language requirements

1. Without prejudice to Article 9(3), mandatory food information shall appear in a language easily understood by the consumers of the Member States where a food is marketed.

2. Within their own territory, the Member States in which a food is marketed may stipulate that the particulars shall be given in one or more languages from among the official languages of the Union.

3. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall not preclude the particulars from being indicated in several languages

1 Thank

Hi Nadim


For the UK this is the Food Information for Consumers Regulation 2014

Within the EU you have to provide the mandatory information in the language of the country where the product is being sold


If you check the FSA website you will find examples of action being taken due to products being sold in the UK without the information in English


The same can happen in other EU countries



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