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Member since March 2018 Hello from Utah

Started by , Jun 01 2018 03:30 PM
1 Reply

I have been in the food industry for almost 30 years now. I started in dairy production cooking and making cheese, moving through the Culture and Fluid plants until I became a pasteurizer 7 years. I then had the opportunity to move to the newly built Ice cream plant on site and was lucky enough to learn that side of dairy business for 5 more years. 2003 I was hired into the Quality side of operations, aka crossing over to the dark side. I was very thankful due to the fact i was the first non degreed person our company had done this with. I was in the Culture/Fluid lab for 7 years because of previous production knowledge in those plants. The last 5 years of my QA lab experience was spent in the Ice cream plant. I was very fortunate to become lab lead technician and gain training in several different areas; safety and safety inspections, auditing and internal audits, lean six sigma programs, learning all the QA micro plating and swabbing protocols, just very fortunate and excited to keep learning about Food production and Food Safety. I have since 2012 been given the opportunity to be QA Manager/SQF Practitioner at a small manufacturing plant for a large private label. We have had 5 SQF audits, our last was certification for Edition 8 Food Safety Code for Manufacturing. With the help from this site and the auditors we have had our facility for the audits, we have averaged 96% which is very good I know but there is still a lot of things I am learning everyday.I look forward to reading and listening to all of you around the world, and I thank you all again for the help you have shown me this far into my journey!!  

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Welcome to group. I've been in the industry 30+ years and worked in dairy industry (fluid milk, yogurt, cottage cheese) earlier in my career.  Missed that side of the business, and now I'm currently in fats/oil, dressings, mayonnaise, sauces and condiments.  Good Luck!

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