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Risk Assessment for zoning environmental monitoring frequency

Started by , May 22 2018 07:56 PM
4 Replies



Need help on determination of frequency for environmental monitoring for a fresh produce company.



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Do you already do any environmental monitoring? You can use your current data to determine the frequency. If you have tested pretty frequently and had all negative results, you can justify reducing the frequency. If you get positives in a certain area or specific site, that area/site should be tested more frequently.


I thought this webinar was really helpful in figuring out how to develop an EMP. http://www.ifsqn.com...monitoring-r148

FDA has guidance on testing frequency:


4. Timing and frequency for collecting environmental samples


Your written environmental monitoring procedures should specify the time(s) at which environmental samples will be collected. The most important time to collect environmental samples is at a time that is several hours into production (e.g., 3 to 4 hours) or preferably just prior to cleanup, because this allows time for L. monocytogenes (if present) to work its way out of harborage sites and contaminate the environment, the processing line (including FCS sites), and, potentially, RTE product. Note that if you take samples too close to the time when surfaces have been sanitized, the sanitizer may not be adequately neutralized and could interfere with the analytical test. Your written environmental monitoring procedures should specify the frequency of sample collection.


Frequency of routine sampling should be based on risk.

We recommend the lowest frequency (e.g., monthly) of routine sample collection be for those RTE foods that do not support growth of L. monocytogenes.


We recommend that the highest frequency (e.g., weekly) of routine sample collection be for those RTE foods that support growth of L. monocytogenes.


Frequency of sampling should be increased when Listeria spp. positive samples are found in the plant (see section on Corrective Actions). An example of how to specify the frequency of sample collection in a written environmental monitoring plan for FCSs in an establishment producing an RTE food that supports growth of L. monocytogenes is as follows:

• Collect environmental samples from specific FCSs on the production lines at least once every week when the plant is in operation; and

• Test each FCS in the plant at least once each month.


An example of how to specify the frequency of sample collection in a written environmental monitoring plan for non-FCSs in an establishment producing an RTE food that supports growth of L. monocytogenes is as follows:

 • Collect environmental samples from representative sets of non-FCSs at least once weekly for zone 2 sites, every two weeks for zone 3 sites, and monthly for zone 4 sites when the plant is in operation; and

• Test all non-FCS sites identified in the monitoring plan at least once each quarter

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Need help on determination of frequency for environmental monitoring for a fresh produce company.




Hi gagansain,


Not sure what specific FS clause/requirement is being addressed (if any). I assume something like a "risk-based" Procedure.


People tend to tie themselves in knots over such mystical requests. The reality is that almost any "logical" response is usually auditor satisfactory because the interpretation is totally subjective.


Generically Post 2 answers yr query if you have the data. Older threads here reference a Standard method(s) utilising such logic.


Other older threads here offer a visually more impressive, semi-generic,  "risk-based" matrix template which simply demonstrates/verifies that yr current frequency is "adequate".


It depends on what yr FS Standard says but  where no specific details  are mentioned, the requirements are usually something simple.

Hi Team 

Can you advice me where do you get the listeria test/samples ( quick results ) for use during the Environment Monitoring 

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