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Balance Calibration Frequency

Started by , May 02 2018 08:18 PM
4 Replies



I was wondering how often everyone calibrates there balances and if there is a guideline for this?



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Calibration and control of measuring and monitoring devices

Statement        of Intent

The site shall be able to demonstrate that measuring equipment is sufficiently accurate and reliable to provide confidence in measurement results.



The site shall identify and control measuring equipment used to monitor critical control points, product safety and legality. This shall include as a minimum:


  • a documented list of equipment and its location
  • an identification code and calibration due date
  • prevention from adjustment by unauthorised staff
  • protection from damage, deterioration or misuse.



All identified measuring devices, including new equipment, shall be checked and where necessary adjusted:


  • at a predetermined frequency, based on risk assessment
  • to a defined method traceable to a recognised national or international standard where possible.


Results shall be documented. Equipment shall be readable and be of a suitable accuracy for the measurements it is required to perform.



Reference measuring equipment shall be calibrated and traceable to a recognised national or international standard and records maintained. The uncertainty of calibration shall be considered when equipment is used to assess critical limits.



Procedures shall be in place to record actions to be taken when the prescribed measuring devices are found not to be operating within specified limits. Where the safety or legality of products is based on equipment found to be inaccurate, action shall be taken to ensure at-risk product is not offered for sale.





A clause from BRC V7.


In our company we did verification of our weighing scales before our production start. And all measuring devices are sent to TPL (ISO-17205 certified) for annual calibration.




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I would like to refresh this topic. 


I have a range of scales in the factory and these are calibrated externally annually. 

The question is do I have to verify all scales regularly until the next calibration. My thought was: i do have to, however I have been told this is not necessary, as they are calibrated annually (?)

I wonder if there is any standard i could support the frequency of check? 

Are the tolerances set by me? (could i use the calibration certificate and adjust to my needs (I mean tightening)


Thank you. 

And additionally, what to do if you physically cannot verify the scale? e.g. silo scales or big batch scales



I would like to refresh this topic. 


I have a range of scales in the factory and these are calibrated externally annually. 

The question is do I have to verify all scales regularly until the next calibration. My thought was: i do have to, however I have been told this is not necessary, as they are calibrated annually (?)

I wonder if there is any standard i could support the frequency of check? 

Are the tolerances set by me? (could i use the calibration certificate and adjust to my needs (I mean tightening)


Thank you. 


If you are using scales to verify net weights and other enforceable/recallable purposes, I would say a daily verification (at least) is advised.  If you find a scale out of tolerance that you use for net weights, you wouldn't want to recall a whole years worth of product, would you? 


Basically - do what the code tells you.  Do a risk assessment for all of your scales to determine the impact that an out-of-tolerance scale would have on your product, and then establish a rotating schedule based on your assessment.

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