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SQF Food Fraud Documents

Started by , Apr 27 2018 05:27 PM
5 Replies

Would like to know if anyone would be willing to share their documents used for SQF Food Fraud.


If so, please post or send and thank you.



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Food Fraud Risk Assessment -2.4.3

This table is intended to assess whether potential food fraud vulnerabilities exist.  If vulnerability is identified, mitigation measures will be developed and implemented.


Assessment bases on:



Mitigation Measures if Applicable

(eg: surveillance plan, supplier relationship, testing etc.)


1. Suppliers & Supply ChainOur Suppliers:

-have a healthy and reputable business

-Are not under financial stress that we are aware of

-Have sound and ethical business practices-no past criminal offences, not associated with incidents of previous food fraud, low levels of corruption.

-Food supply chain is transparent, with business relationships that are integrated, well coordinated and characterized by trust.

-The competition level is low( high competition levels can motivate offenders to commit fraud)

-The suppliers are monitored

2. Company and Employees- Our Company

-has a good business strategy with an ethical culture

-require personnel to follow an ethical code of conduct regarding behaviour, principles for work, expectations etc.based on our management policy.

-Trains and expects all employees to report food safety hazards or concerns

-Hires only employees who appear to have integrity and monitor their work for this

-We operate in a country with a low level of corruption

-Hire employees with no history of criminal offences

To the best of our knowledge

-Our company meets strategic goals &/or financial targets(eg profitability)


3. Product and Input Risks  Our Products & Inputs:


-Are difficult to counterfeit or adulterate

-Could command higher prices or higher demand if they could be altered for economic gain.

-Could adulteration or counterfeiting be easily detected.eg visual inspection, smell

-Technologies and or methods to adulterate our products or inputs are available, known or reported

-Our products and inputs are monitored for adulteration

-Has there ever been a case of food fraud associated with the same products or inputs that we produce or handle?


Comments: To the best of our ability, we source only from reputable companies who are 3rd party certified where appropriate 


Then I used the PWC food fraud tool to prepare a back up document that supports this  assessment 


4 Thanks

sorry, the formatting didn't come with it..........the checks are simple Yes or No 

Hi Scampi,


Thks for the Table.


(1) May i ask what the product was ?


I noticed that the comments seem to be oriented to food fraud of the "non-specific" (ie irrespective of Quality/Safety) type.


afai can see the pwc tool also only evauates food fraud in the "non-specific" mode.


(2) Was yr analysis intended for SQF Quality Code or did you (somehow) make a separate differentiation later on so as to be specific to Food Safety / the Manufacturing Code ?.


PS, slightly OT - I just noticed EC have been offering a Monthly Food Fraud survey since around 2016, here is a  2018, sample -


food-fraud-summary-january-2018.pdf   609.79KB   174 downloads



1 Thank

Tremendously helpful, Thank you Scampi!

I used the PWC for more detailed information as we do import spices from international spices. It allows for greater detail and prints off a beautiful report (including spider web diagrams) that include your ranking for each section of the analysis.  It was recommended  by my CB during a training session, however I think the requirement in the USA may be slightly different that what SQF required.


I'm at a farm to fork location, so I know the hazards associated with the majority of the raw materials, and the next largest ingredient comes from within the province from a facility that is also SQF certified and has been in business for 100+ years who also prepare the same product for retail sale.


FYI, we make pickles of various sorts.

2 Thanks

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