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Production Strip Doors Leading into Warehouse - SQF Acceptable?

Started by , Apr 13 2018 03:19 PM
4 Replies

Hi All,


Our company is wanting to expand our production facility (we are an RTE spice and seasoning manufacturer). Currently, we have blending and pouching/packaging in the same production room. We are needing to move our blending production into a room of its own. Management is wanting to create a blending room in the warehouse, using one internal wall and three floor-to-ceiling vinyl walls. The issue we are currently discussing (and I'm hoping someone is able to provide some insight) is whether or not it would be acceptable to have a vinyl strip door from the new blending room into the warehouse.


We are currently SQF Level 2 certified and want to ensure that we are abiding by the code and not jeopardizing food safety.


My concern is with the following SQF element: Doors, hatches and windows and their frames in food processing, handling or storage areas shall be of a material and construction which meets the same functional requirements as for internal walls and partitions. Doors and hatches shall be of solid construction and windows shall be made of shatterproof glass or similar material.
Would a vinyl strip door constitute as a solid construction? 
Thank you
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Could you add a link to the type of door you mean?

You could perform a risk assessment and go from there. The only way I would find using vinyl curtains acceptable is if it was within an already enclosed packaging room and you were using the vinyl to separate the mixing from the packaging. Putting a mixing room in the warehouse introduces many risks.

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I've had vinyl approved in audits, solid construction I think indicates that they are basically of good quality material and maintained accordingly (no holes, tears, etc.).


Vinyl curtains have a nasty habit of getting filthy though, and I assume you generate a lot of spice dust in your blending room? They also tend to touch everything you bring into the room unless you can tie them back while bringing in stuff, but then you run the risk of people keeping them propped open..


I'd highly recommend putting a frame down so that you can have a better door for your process, everywhere I've ever had those strip curtains they've been a pain to either go through or maintain in a sanitary condition.

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Normally these types of "doors" are not accepted and not because the door inherently is not good, but because they crack and get dirty quite easily.


I have recently seen only 1 come close to being "solid" and also easily cleanable and that one had very thick and wide sheeting, where if they get cracked the panel can be unhooked and simply replaced.

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