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Microbiological specification for ice cream USFDA

Started by , Apr 09 2018 05:10 PM

this may be of help



2 Replies


This is reference to 21 CFR 135.110 -Ice cream and forzen custard.
Microbiological criteria is only specified for coliform and not for the other organism specially Pathogenic bacteria  ,Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus aureus .
Request for the help and guidance.
Thank you,
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The use of coliform  numbers as illustrated in OP/Standard goes back a very long way, ca 2000 and beyond.


The absence of mention of  "coliform" in Scampi's link (2009) and its semi-replacement by E.coli probably demonstrates the then increasing disaffection with use of coliforms. The latter  have long been used as a hygiene indicator in dairy industry but criticism of this specific usage has increased, eg (2016) -


Coliforms in Dairy Foods.pdf   186.52KB   15 downloads


Nonetheless, the above doesn't explain why the absence of pathogens although this additional measurement(s) was EC recommended to be dropped many years ago and coliforms to be replaced by Enterobacteriaceae. Pathogen testing is mentioned in above attachment.


From a micro-operational POV, this thread may also be of interest -



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