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Hello. I'm from Vietnam

Started by , Mar 27 2018 06:46 AM
10 Replies

Hello all,


I am Francis and I am very happy to say "hello" ^^. I have been had 4 years experience in Food Quality Management and 2 years in Food Research and Development. I was lucky to learn and spend working time in several food fields: food factory, imported product and retailer, and now in food service. 


Vietnam is a developing country, attracting to many Food foreign company coming to Vietnam. Therefore, my country is on the the way to complete Vietnamese laws, regulations and some standards as well. 


During working time, I found difficulties when we had applied Food Quality Management Systems. I want to find the place to discuss and exchange with experienced people to answer my concern.


Thank you


Have a nice day


Francis (Ms.)

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Hi Francis,
Welcome to the IFSQN forums.
Kind regards,

hello you are wellcome

Hello........I will tell you this......as of July 2017, Vietnam had some of the lowest maximum residue limits I have ever seen!  So stringent for so many chemicals that my employer opted not to export to Vietnam due to the prohibitive cost of analysis!!!  So rest easy knowing that at least the poultry imports are incredibly safe!!!

Hello........I will tell you this......as of July 2017, Vietnam had some of the lowest maximum residue limits I have ever seen!  So stringent for so many chemicals that my employer opted not to export to Vietnam due to the prohibitive cost of analysis!!!  So rest easy knowing that at least the poultry imports are incredibly safe!!!


Can I know which chemical you want to export to Vietnam? As I know, Vietnam had the food and food related product standard are referred from CODEX. So some differences from FDA.

I'm not taking about importing chemicals directly, i'm talking about chemical residues in food. Vietnam has some of the tightest limits in the world, including limits on chemicals that Canada doesn't test for (last time I checked anyway) because they've been banned for sale/use for 35 years.

Hello........I will tell you this......as of July 2017, Vietnam had some of the lowest maximum residue limits I have ever seen!  So stringent for so many chemicals that my employer opted not to export to Vietnam due to the prohibitive cost of analysis!!!  So rest easy knowing that at least the poultry imports are incredibly safe!!!


I'm not taking about importing chemicals directly, i'm talking about chemical residues in food. Vietnam has some of the tightest limits in the world, including limits on chemicals that Canada doesn't test for (last time I checked anyway) because they've been banned for sale/use for 35 years.



Hi Scampi,
Have you considered that the limits you are talking about are a deterrent? Please post an appropriate link to these so that I can comment further.
See here:
Kind regards,

Yes, that part I knew Charles. Vietnam was also an international dumping ground post war so as a country they were ending up with the bits no one else wanted. Obviously the Vietnamese government has been working hard to improve the safety of food stuffs imported into Vietnam.


What was shocking to me,  however, was that Vietnam's MRL's for pesticides and veterinarian drugs were lower than the EU in a number of chemicals.


My point was that I think Vietnam has done a wonderful thing, I actually wish everyone's MRL's were as tight (with the exception of having to pay to prove you don't have a chemical in your FG which gets very very costly)

Yes, that part I knew Charles. Vietnam was also an international dumping ground post war so as a country they were ending up with the bits no one else wanted. Obviously the Vietnamese government has been working hard to improve the safety of food stuffs imported into Vietnam.


What was shocking to me,  however, was that Vietnam's MRL's for pesticides and veterinarian drugs were lower than the EU in a number of chemicals.


My point was that I think Vietnam has done a wonderful thing, I actually wish everyone's MRL's were as tight (with the exception of having to pay to prove you don't have a chemical in your FG which gets very very costly)

Hi Scampi,
The post was from me, Tony-C, not Charles
The Vietnamese government has not been working hard to improve the safety of food stuffs imported into Vietnam. They have been working hard to prevent imports of chicken. 
You have already provided an example yourself regarding your organisation.
You are misleading people with your posts and haven't provided a single link or some evidence to demonstrate your point of view,
Kind regards,




Tony, I am relaying information from a conversation I had with my VIC at the time (in last 12 months) regarding getting approval to import into Vietnam. Please see the attached links

I have been in Canadian poultry for 20 years Tony, it's my job to know the facts. 









Tony, I am relaying information from a conversation I had with my VIC at the time (in last 12 months) regarding getting approval to import into Vietnam. Please see the attached links

I have been in Canadian poultry for 20 years Tony, it's my job to know the facts. 







Thank you for getting the right name this time Scampi 


I'll look through the links when I get chance (I am a busy bod after all). If you refer to my previous post any limits are to deter imports, which you have already confirmed.


It may be your job to know the appropriate standards but perhaps not the politics, a downfall I can confess to …………...


Kind regards,



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