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Requesting Documents from Suppliers

Started by , Feb 08 2018 04:46 PM
3 Replies

We're renewing and improving our approved supplier lists and I need to request 3rd party certs or letters of guarantee from some long term suppliers. Mostly packaging and other items. Ingredients we are well off. Does anyone have a generic letter template they can share for that type of request? Or more specific request? I don't want to come across as just tell me what makes your stuff food safe. Thanks!



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Company Letter Head








Products Supplied:

Subject: Letter of guarantee


This letter guarantees that all products (mentioned above) supplied by _____________­­­____________________

­____________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________, comply with the export requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of _________________  and in conjunction with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) current requirements.


Company complies with proper food handling practices to ensure food safety during production/packaging. (Company Name) undertakes to get certification (HACCP) within following 6 months.

(Company Name-Supplier) enforces proper food handling practices and hygiene to ensure food safety during production. Allergens are controlled and prevented from coming in contact with the fresh produce. Measures are taken to prevent all forms of possible chemical, physical or biological contamination of the produce during storage and transport.

In case product recall is there, company have the records maintained for the traceability of the same. We guarantee that we will undertake full responsibility for any prejudices related to non-conformity of the produce to the above mentioned requirements.




Kind Regards





(Name of the Company Representative)

For our packaging suppliers we use the attached letter. When we started the program there were a lot of 'long time' suppliers that we called first and then sent the letter so they understood that our requirements were changing.  

Attached Files

1 Like4 Thanks

This is great. I was at a complete loss on how to approach some of our suppliers and be generic enough that I don't have to write each one individually. Thanks!



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