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What to include in a Containment Plan? - SQFI Corrective Action Report

Started by , Jan 17 2018 06:50 PM
3 Replies

So, I'm fairly new to food safety, and I've just had my first SQF Audit.


I've received my SQFI Corrective Action Report, and I need to submit:

-Responsible Person

-Root Cause

-Corrective Action

-Containment Plan

-Preventative Action


I'm a little overwhelmed, and I can't find a definition of what a "Containment Plan" needs to include...I think I've covered the Responsible person, root cause analysis and corrective action properly, but I'm unsure of the last two.


Is there somewhere I can see an example of a supplier response to a CAR? Because I'm totally lost, I'd like to know that I'm approaching this properly and the clock's ticking...


Thank you so much

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Ok, I've just reviewed my Responding to a Corrective Action document, and found the definitions for a few of them, but the Containment Plan definition section says the following:


"1. Containment Plan (for SQF this field means Immediate Correction): This box can be marked N/A."


What does this mean? For example, on a Temporary Repair N/C, should I write that we removed all temporary repairs, or should I just write N/A?

I think it's how you contained the issue if it couldn't be corrected immediately e.g. tagging out a non-conforming piece of equipment?


Submit the corrective action and/or call/email your aduitor and ask for advice

Hi Evelynn,


As per the previous posts a containment plan may be how you controlled non-conforming product and/or equipment.


The preventative action is action taken to prevent a recurrence.


I'm sure if you post an idea of the non-conformity raised people will be able to provide examples.


Kind regards,



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