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Protective clothing besides hairnets for SQF?

Started by , Jan 11 2018 07:17 PM
4 Replies

What does everyone need to wear in the production are besides hairnets for SQF?

Smocks? Own clothes? Visitors? Non-production employees?


Thanks for dyour help.



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oops sorry ...Thank for your help!

Hi, Steve;


This depends on your process, product, and risk analysis. Tell us more about your company.


At the very least clothing should be clean, maintained to the highest hygienic and maintenance standards. I would also (conditionally) prohibit sleeveless shirts, shorts, and open toed foot wear.   



Thanks ... we currently are level 2 SQF (soon to change I know) ... we produce and package snack foods ... I believe that everyone who enters the production facility should wear a smock but where does it detail that?

SQF doesn't require a smock, sklegon...not sure where you got that?


With SQF, it's all based upon your risk analysis.

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