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OTR and WVTR rates dependency on biological activity inside pouch

Started by , Jan 02 2018 05:20 AM
8 Replies

I would like to know whether OTR and WVTR rates have any relation with biological intrusion or biological activity inside the retort pouch?




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In principal, OTR and WVTR values as specified in  the DS, are the packaging material properties. The meaning – they are measured at specific conditions as per the related standard (ASTM, ISO etc.).


For a specific package the OTR and the WVTR depend on the concentration difference of the oxygen or water vapor between the 2 sides of the package – as the general case of diffusion.  In case the biological activity changes those concentrations, the rate will change as well.



David Levy

1 Thank

We are manufacturer of WVTR&OTR, we would like to sharing our point:


1.WTR&OTR mostly test the barrier property for packaging material,this is apparently related to shelf life.

2.For biological intrusion or biological activity, need to consider it's living conditions, yes, Water and Oxygen is basic. So WVTR&OTR matters really matters.

3.By the way, temperature and RH is important as well.


Best regards

Berton Lee

1 Thank

Acronyms galore.


All equally unintelligible. :crybaby:

Acronyms galore.


All equally unintelligible. :crybaby:

Unfortunately did not understand what do you mean?

Unfortunately did not understand what do you mean?


Acronym: an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word


Unintelligible: impossible to understand

Unfortunately did not understand what do you mean?


1.5 Years ! :smile:


OTR means what ?


WVTR means what ?

OTR = oxygen transmission rate

WVTR = water vapour transmission rate


HTH! :ejut:

1 Like2 Thanks

1.5 Years ! :smile:


OTR means what ?


WVTR means what ?


1 Thank

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