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Cleaning of Equipment using generic bleach

Started by , Nov 28 2017 02:32 PM
3 Replies



So I just learned from out production that they use generic bleach to clean out FD&C as well as exempt colors from equipment. In addition they also use grill blaster for cleaning the equipment after making nut based products. 


I have two questions:

1) Is it OK to use generic bleach? I reached out to sanitation supply companies and the degreaser they provided isn't working the same way generic bleach does. Both are chlorine based. 

2) How do I go about validating the bleach concentration if it is ok to use? 

3) Is there any product that we can use in lieu of bleach if it is not allowed for use in food processing environment?


Thank you. 

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Bleach can be used, provided the chlorine content is between 200-300 ppm.  There are several relatively cheap chlorine tests strips on the market that can show the concentration via color change.  There are several other sanitizers that are approved for food use, Quat, Peracetic Acid, Ozonated Water, etc.

Hi yogirl,


(1) yr product should hv a specification stating that it is suitable for use in a food manufacturing environment. If not available you need to analytically validate that it is.

(2) this is a routine exercise for a chemist. If you lack such a person, i suggest you send it to a lab.

(3) the choice typically depends on what you are doing with it. IMEX most suppliers will be only too happy to advise.


If you hv no direct related experience i suggest to initially try a reputable branded product. These tend to be well-documented.

Yes, you can use it provided there are no additives in the bleach.  Some household bleaches come with fragrances and thickeners.


As far as the PPM usage level that depends on the intention.  If cleaning, there is no requirement for PPM.  However, if used as a no-rinse sanitizer on food contact surfaces it must be below 200 PPM.


Try checking out Zep, they do a pretty good job in helping small companies with chemicals.

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