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How to prove you send protective clothing to be laundered?

Started by , Nov 20 2017 01:58 PM
6 Replies

Dear all, 


I would like to known how you could prove that you send away protective clothes for the production. we do not have laundering facilities or in house . 

we are using professional laundry services  to wash protective cloths.  the clause 6.5.8, issue 5 packaging 

Could you advice me please ?

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You get a receipt, copy of the laundering agreement/contract etc.

1 Thank

Good day.  


We use the following:

  • Signed contract with service provider - Contract details that the protective clothing has to be washed separately and not with other clothing items
  • Inspection register/checklist - On receipt of the washed clothing, items are inspected and recorded on a register. This includes checks like:
1 Thank
  • Free from dirt & stains
  • no wrinkles
  • no odours
  • not torn
  • no loose seams/hems/surface stitching
  • Invoice number
1 Thank

thank you for your answers . 

your professional Laundry services will give you a brief description of how they wash the clothes. You can have swab samples from the clean laundered clothes to verify cleaning.



- company owned, personalized individual sets of clothes

- named pieces

- bar code in each piece

- shipping documents

- select laundering services with certification

- single wrapping after laundering

- audits of procedures and processes

- micro testing acc. sampling plan




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