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Micro limits for Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Started by , Oct 23 2017 06:52 PM
1 Reply

Good afternoon,


I was looking for guidance on whether or not there exist guidelines for TOTAL AEROBIC PLATE COUNT for (Raw, organic, unfiltered) Apple Cider Vinegar.


I am having a hard time navigating the AOAC methods, NSF microbiology limits, and USP chapter on Dietary Supplements. I am looking for a maximum allowable cfu/mL or some sort of guidance on testing this product.



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Apple cider vinegar powder specifications seem to range from <10,000 CFU/g to <100,000 CFU/g - if that helps at all. 

I doubt there are true guidelines for APC that exist because we make apple cider (juice) and there aren't any guidelines for APC for that. We have developed our micro requirements for our cider through customer requirements and testing history.


Hope that helped some



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