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4.16.3 Recording of Temperature during Transport

Started by , Oct 18 2017 01:05 PM
9 Replies

I  had a minor non-conformity on my last BRC audit for clause 4.16.3 Temperature of product was controlled when shipped and when received, however there was not records of temperature during the transport. 

We are a lobster processing comapany in Canada we export finished product ­­ ­­" frozen Lobster " (-18°C) to cold storage in the USA. 

What kind of documents or  form ?  I could give to my driver to monitor the temperature during transportation ? 


Or do you guys use any other type of divises like temperature monitoring sticker or something that could record the actual product tempreature and not juste the reading of the reffer temperaure.





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I like to use the irreversible temperature strips, provides a great "green yellow red" criteria for release based on length of exposure.




They're about a $1 USD each.

If it's your own transport, you should retain the records from the internal temperature logging system in the truck. If it is from an approved supplier, then you should be able to request them when required. Your contract with them should state this and link the retention times to your "eat by" dates.

If it's your own transport, you should retain the records from the internal temperature logging system in the truck. If it is from an approved supplier, then you should be able to request them when required. Your contract with them should state this and link the retention times to your "eat by" dates.


This doesn't always work, in our experience. Most transport companies won't show the temperature logs unless there is a complaint/claim/insurance case.


So my tip would be to buy temperature USB sticks to send with the goods, that is, if you're using external transporters.

1 Thank

you can buy a temperature logger like this one



My experience is similar Post 4.


I wonder what the BRC Interp.Guidelines suggest ?

1 Thank
      Date: ____________________________________           Drive: ____________________________________     °C   °F                                                   4 39,2                                                   3 37,4                                                   2 35,6                                                   1 33,8                                                   0 32,0                                                   -1 30,2                                                   -2 28,4                                                   -3 26,6                                                   -4 24,8                                                   -5 23,0                                                 Temperature  -6 21,2                                                 -7 19,4                                                 -8 17,6                                                 -9 15,8                                                 -10 14,0                                                 -11 12,2                                                 -12 10,4                                                   -13 8,6                                                   -14 6,8                                                   -15 5,0                                                   -16 3,2                                                   -17 1,4                                                   -18 -0,4                                                   -19 -2,2                                                   -20 -4,0                                                   -21 -5,8                                                   -22 -7,6                                                       12:00 AM 1:00 AM 2:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 PM 10:00 PM 11:00 PM                       Time         Verified by: _____________________  


We own our transports so I have greated a temperature log for our driver. 

I think that this will work we ship 2 times per week. 

I will add diviation in the back of the record In the event of a vehicle failure, accident or malfunction of the refrigeration system

I think that this shoiuld pass for corrective action as for the immediate issue. 

then for root cause and prevent recurrence - I don't know yet what to say. 

Open for any help on this 

Oh and has for when to take temperature If I say (+/- every hour ) I should be ok right ? the drive from our facility to the cold storage is 12 hours 16 minutes 


I have att. doc created for transport temperature log

I have att. doc created for transport temperature log

Attached Files

Hej Qualitelpcn


We are using USB disposable temperature data loggers which can easily be connected to a computer and read all the temperatures up to 99 days.

Here is an link to a site where they sell these USB disposable temperature loggers (Apresys, model D99):  


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