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What is a critical limit and how to define it?

Started by , Sep 11 2017 07:05 AM
3 Replies

 hello everyone i appreciate  the great work done here on this forum helping us think out of the box and keeping updated with latest  food safety , quality, technology.


What is a critical limit and how to define it ?

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Dear Rexdasan,


Here is a useful link for you, which explains the definition a the "Critical limit" very clearly.




Kind regards,


Gerard Heerkens

1 Thank

Hi rex,


Are you familiar with haccp ?


from Codex -


Critical limit = A criterion that separates acceptability from unacceptability.



1 Thank

First of all, the critical limit has to be measurable, preferably by testing and not just by visual inspection.  If the number from the test is not acceptable, then the product is not acceptable.  You then need to write procedures for how you test, who does the testing, how often you test, where you test, what is the acceptable range, etc.

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