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Any suggestions on cleaning a trash compactor?

Started by , Sep 02 2017 04:19 PM
2 Replies

Any suggestions on cleaning a trash compactor?. How do we clean it? 

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Hi yogiv,


Providing it is outside and would not represent a risk of contaminating the area or product I would use a pressure washer. Alternatives may be low pressure foam application and hosing down.


Kind regards,



We have our waste service company clean ours.  They steam clean it once per month.


If you are cleaning in-house with your personnel you need to be very, very careful even if it is located outside and away from your facility.  Why?  Because anyone who is cleaning it can bring contaminants back in with them.  


I would be wary of cleaning it in-house, but rather have it cleaned by your waste service company.  Most of them will do this for you for a fee.

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