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Do BRC documents need to be numbered, i.e. ISO?

Started by , Aug 22 2017 07:53 PM
9 Replies
I have a question, is there anywhere in BRC standards that states documents need to be numbered, i.e. ISO? I am trying to make it as simple as possible, short and sweet where I can. Please be patient with me if it takes a while to answer a response I am still learning to navigate this website.

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Good question Chris, I was just wondering the same thing.  I am new to BRC certified facilities, but I know that all of our documents are numbered and I am required to number any new ones that I make.

Clause 3.2.1:

The company shall have a documented procedure to manage documents which form part of the product safety and quality system. This shall include:
• ...
• the method for the identification and authorisation of controlled documents
• ...
I think what you search is there. IMO: make a code name of each document (by numbering or abbreviation) short, unique and easy for you to refer or storing. Remember the revision status too.

BRC does not specify that you need to number the documents, it specifies that you need to manage and control the documents and be able to show the latest version. In my experience, numbering helps when listing the documents and issuing new revisions.  


If you have a different method, include in your document control program that specifies how documents are created, named, revised, managed, and controlled  

Thank you all so much this has helped greatly. It has moved that block that normally occurs when trying to get ready for an audit. So as long as they are present and identified I am fine? I know for ISO they had to follow the numbering of the section they went to - 5 for management; 6 - resource management etc. However I ran out of numbers, so if I would designate a letter/number based system to identify by process, that would be legal? This would be for work instructions and job aids.

Appreciate the help. have a great day.

Clause 3.2.1:

The company shall have a documented procedure to manage documents which form part of the product safety and quality system. This shall include:
• ...
• the method for the identification and authorisation of controlled documents
• ...
You can call the documents "Blue 34" or "Purple 15" if you want to.
I find it easier to number them after the specific clause in the BRC Standard that the documents address. Works better for me.
But, you don't have to. 


i agree it makes it easier, my issue is that sometimes it can apply to 2 different clauses. I am sure it will all shake out as I go. just trying to get a good direction. it is nice to have a place to go and get some feedback, sometimes as quality I feel alone in my head...:)

I don't encourage to number documents after clauses of standards.

- First reason is what cbryan said.

- Second, those standards out there are voluntary, it means you don't have to obey them passively. Coding documents after clause number is easier for CBs to audit too and CBs likely urge you to do that. However, their job is to prove the conformity between your documents and standards, not force your documents to conform the standards.

- Third, when standards get updated, clause number change then you have to change your document numbers. You would see a mess here.

now that is an angle that I had not considered. that would make things simpler, and then keeping them in a file/book would meet the requirement for a navigable and accessible system. I like it.

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