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Corrective Action for damaged trailer curtain

Started by , Aug 07 2017 10:34 AM
6 Replies

Dear all, 


 I just received a non conformance complain from a customer , about damaged curtain. 

the loading staff showed and closed with a tape which not hold till reach the customer . 

The trailer arrived with  damaged curtain 

I would like to known which is the best possible answer ,please ?


Thank you , 

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IS the trucks yours or from third party?

the truck belongs to a 3rd party .

What will you do with this third party in relation to this incident?

I have send them the photos and I asked them to withdrawn the trailer till to repair it 

Ok, than that is what you should tell your customer.



But I am wondering, will you not:

- ask the third party for a cause analysis/ motivation?

- include this incident in the evaluation of the third party and perhaps even reject this third party transporter (temporarily)? 

- take action to the products delivered?

- implement inspection of trailers before loading? (if this is already there, check the inspection done, and speak to person that conducted the inspection. Why did he approve?)

- risk assess the incident to find out if you should indicate this in the contract with the third party transporters?

I would inform your customer that you have talked with the 3rd party and asked them to remove the truck until it is repaired. Furthermore, I would go to the 3rd party and let them know that in the future they should be sending trucks that will conform. Also let your staff know that if any of the trucks are not conforming then you will be rejecting them. If you have too many non conformances from the 3rd party it may be time to switch companies to one that is more reliable. Be proactive about this, if you have to find a new shipper then do it. Better they lose your business than you losing business for something that is beyond your control.

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