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August 2017 - Member of the Month

Started by , Aug 04 2017 08:08 PM
8 Replies
Who agrees with me it's about time the main man Charles.C won Member of the Month (again :smile:).  What can I say about Charles...well lets look at the stats.
Member Since 13 Apr 2004
Posts 12,168
Reputation Points 334
Thanks 3,142
Truly awesome, he beats every member on every measure.  Well maybe I've been around a little longer, but I can't touch Charles on what counts.  
Thanks Charles from me and the members your value to this forum is immeasurable. :clap:
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Congrats Charles C.....you're the man.... :biggrin:  :biggrin:  :biggrin:

Well Done Charles C!  :happydance:

Way to go Charles!

Congrats, Charles and thank you for being a help to me!  If there's a category, "Member of the Decade," well...

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Little does my boss know that my "trusted industry sources and information" is a fancy way of describing the daily contributions of Charles.C!  Thanks!


Little does my boss know that my "trusted industry sources and information" is a fancy way of describing the daily contributions of Charles.C!  Thanks!



And if I ever have a microbial statistics question..I'll be buried in resources if he's on the forums!



Thks so much for the kind words.


In truth I have learnt/borrowed much more from these Forums than I can ever donate back so I must equally thank all the wonderful people who have shared their knowledge onto this amazing Website (  :thumbup:  Simon).



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How often have I had the thought "I wonder what Charles C says about..." or "I hope Charles will comment on this topic" Congratulations Charles and Many Thanks for your valuable insights and direction you impart here.

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