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HACCP in Trading company

Started by , Jul 17 2017 09:53 AM
5 Replies

Hello everyone,


Does a Trades company for food products needs to have HACCP in place? or something similar? regarding to UE legislation i can´t find any thing about that.

In this case it is a company that trades food products, and have only an office and subcontracts storage and distribuition. 

There are some clients asking for a Declaration of HACCP implementation, but i think that is not applicable to this company.


Than you.


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Dear Neto,


For the legal definitions, I think that you have to watch under the terms:

  • "Food business operator", and;
  • "Distribution of food", as your main activity.

That will give you a better view and it may give a basis to build your HACCP system. I wish you good luck! 


Kind regards,


Gerard Heerkens

1 Thank

Hi Neto,


Usually when we do supply chain audits and the supplier happens to be a trader, we check the company's adherence to Good Warehousing Practices.


I am not sure if there is a certifying body there who can give you at least a certification for this, but it would be good.


We don't normally expect a trading company to be HACCP certified (due to cost implications + tons of documentations to keep), but we do check if supplier is "HACCP-certifiable" where applicable.



1 Thank

Hi Neto,


Usually when we do supply chain audits and the supplier happens to be a trader, we check the company's adherence to Good Warehousing Practices.


I am not sure if there is a certifying body there who can give you at least a certification for this, but it would be good.


We don't normally expect a trading company to be HACCP certified (due to cost implications + tons of documentations to keep), but we do check if supplier is "HACCP-certifiable" where applicable.




Thank you for your response.

But in this case the company doesn´t have a warehouse, they dont even seen the product (most of the times), they only assure that the product stays in a supplier/company for storage the products (ambiente and cold temperature). 

Im not looking for a certification, i just want to be sure that it is not a legal requirement to have HACCP in place....because the company dont "touch" the product.

What you are saying is that in your case, you check the warehouse good practice, because they have their own warehouse, right??? and if they dont? how do you audit??



Hi Neto,


Take a look at the General Food Law, 


REGULATION (EC) No 178/2002 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 28 January2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food SafetyAuthorityand laying down procedures in matters of food safety


This Regulation shall apply to all stages of production, processing and distribution of food and feed.


Risk analysis is part of this law.

Hi Neto,


Both BRC Agents & Brokers and IFS Broker require a HACCP (Risk analysis) plan. With the new GFSI standard including brokers, you can expect this to become a requirement. Your customers will (eventually) require you to conform to one or other of the standards.

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