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Screen door for high traffic area...

Started by , Jun 19 2017 06:56 PM
1 Reply

We have a double door that leads to our tomato receiving area with high traffic. The doors are not on automatic closers (although I may get there). Basically I know they have screen mesh doors for your house that you can walk through and magnets close it when you walk out. I just didnt know if there was an industrial version we could put up to keep bugs out. Anyone use anything like "Bug off" or "Magic Mesh" in your facility? 

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We installed a screen door last year for a maintenance area that was always propped open for ventilation. It wasn't an exterior door and all the openings in the maintenance area were appropriately screened, however it wasn't a full GMP area and the screen door really helped create a barrier (mental and physical) between the areas as well as keep "propped doors" from being seen as appropriate anywhere in the plant.


Auditor's have liked it. Other options would be vinyl curtains like they use for coldroom entrances, they're "self closing" and if you keep them in your sanitation program they don't get gross and work well. As a bonus they're hard to prop open, and auditors are used to seeing them in coldrooms.

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