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Recipe for a Sucrose Solution for testing Brix Refractometers

Started by , Jun 13 2017 03:55 AM
1 Reply

Can anyone advise the "recipe" for a Sucrose Solution for testing Brix refractometers?

Thankyou, Jenni - Foodpac Pty Ltd.

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  1. The % you require will depend on the range of your refractometer and the level you typically test as you would need to check the refrac at the level you would normally expect your product to be at. We make a mass/mass total solid solution using sucrose.  If you need to make a 15% brix solution then its weigh out 15g of sucrose (as pure as available i.e. >99% to give an accurate solution)  into a container and then make up the mass to 100g in total using distilled/RO water. (this is a % mass/mass solution) Mix well to ensure all the sucrose is fully dissolved. 15g of sucrose and 85g of pure water this gives you a 15% (mass/mass) total solid solution. Zero the refrac with distilled water/RO Water and check your refracs reading using the solution at 20°C and make up a fresh solution each time you need to check the refractometers.

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