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Environmental Monitoring in Dry Blending

Started by , Jun 01 2017 12:05 AM
7 Replies

Hi all,


I'm looking for some input into what enviro testing and monitoring we should be conducting for a dry dairy blending facility (I'm used to wet environments with lots of cleaning and sanitation so this is a whole new world for me).


This is what we have so far

  • Water testing - both online chlorine and lab tested for Heterotrophic plate count, E.coli and coliforms
  • Review of local council water testing
  • Humidity and temperature monitoring
  • Monthly surface swabbing and weekly Biofinder testing for pathogens
  • Compressed air sampling (it's used for food contact surface cleaning) 

Do you think I'm missing anything? Any thoughts or suggestions would be really appreciated 

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Hi Kelly,


I would expect to see weekly environmental swabbing for plate counts, coliforms plus maybe yeasts & moulds (swabs or exposure plates) and then monthly pathogens as you indicate.


Also if you have vacuum systems for cleaning then the powder recovered in these should be monitored as well.


Kind regards,





How about allergen swab??





Hi Kelly,


I would expect to see weekly environmental swabbing for plate counts, coliforms plus maybe yeasts & moulds (swabs or exposure plates) and then monthly pathogens as you indicate.


Also if you have vacuum systems for cleaning then the powder recovered in these should be monitored as well.


Kind regards,



Thanks for that, I didn't think about the Vacuum. I think we'll start with weekly swabbing and see if we can justify to fortnightly or monthly


How about allergen swab??





We only run dairy powders so there won't be any other allergens introduced

I would add air quality monitoring.  You can do this with settle plates or there are air sampling devices.

Aw monitoring is also helpful in such Dry products.

Aw monitoring is also helpful in such Dry products.


We're already monitoring moisture content in our products so we've got that one covered :) 

I would suggest testing your water with EB than coliforms and E.coli. Bigger scope to find :)

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